What is RPG in Porn Games?
Classic RPG games have been a staple of the videogame world for decades and decades, and it makes a lot of sense that the porn gaming world would eventually find a way to produce their very own role-playing games, too.
At the same time, videogame developers in the porn world haven’t really focused on this genre as much as they probably could – or as much as the market would like, really.
These games are still kind of rare, still kind of exclusive, and still kind of difficult to track down (unless you know where to look).
That’s what we hope to help you with in this quick guide.
Below you’ll find a little more information about the RPG genre in the porn world, how single player and multiplayer porn game titles stack up against one another, and the kind of options that you find when you start to look for these types of porn games specifically.
Shall we get started?
Let’s get right into it.
Role Playing Action in Adult Games
It should come as no supplies to anyone that the porn world would be a perfect fit for RPG style games.
After all, there’s a lot of role-playing action that goes on in the porn world in general – and plenty of this action then goes on the private lives of people (billions and billions of them) – all over the world.
Combine that with the fact that these kinds of games are some of the most popular titles in the traditional video game world and it’s a bit of a no-brainer that we’d see some crossover here. One popular title for example is World of Whorecraft taking after the famous World of Warcraft series.
Unlike traditional RPG titles, though, a lot of these porn games don’t necessarily revolve around the high fantasy world, the sci-fi world, or other exclusively fictional environments.
No, instead we see a lot of porn RPG titles that are much more grounded in reality – not always as far as art style those, but usually as far as gameplay is concerned (and definitely in the storyline department).
At the same time, that doesn’t mean that there’s not a lot of variety in this gaming community.
As you’ll see in just a minute, there are definitely going to be RPG porn games that suit your interests if you’re willing to do a little bit of digging to find them.
Single Player
Most of the porn RPG games on the market today revolve around single player experiences, and are sort of built to be “video games on rails” more than anything else.
A lot of these games are basically just interactive stories that allow you to play a role when you jump into the mix, giving you a little bit of freedom to choose how things unfold – different dialogue options, different characters to interact with, etc. – but for the most part things are going to unfold the way that the story designers and gameplay developers intend.
Plenty of folks are heavy into these kinds of RPG porn titles such as WestSluts.
They want something that they can jump into and out of whenever it is most convenient, and they want to be able to embody a character that is created for them but also one that they have some creative control over.
You’ll find a lot of these games out there, especially from developers that are relatively new to the world of porn games. They are (generally) pretty inexpensive to put together without cutting corners as far as quality is concerned.
At the same time, you’ll find a lot of new multiplayer porn RPG options out there to pick and choose from as well.
Think of these as the adult version of “The Sims” video games, games designed to give you a whole lot more freedom and a complete digital porn sandbox to sort of play around in. One of the most popular multiplayer porn games is Gamebater known for massive online community and infinite role playing scenarios.
You’ll be able to meet new players, interact with people around the world, and really “live” through your RPG character – fully embodying the role-playing experience – in a way that single player titles can’t pull off successfully.
Some of these titles, though, require monthly subscription fees to access and others are a little bit harder to get into because of the established community. They are a lot of fun, though, if you’re into RPG games in general!
Unlimited Options to Enjoy the World of Adult Entertainment
At the end of the day, more and more porn games are being developed than ever before – and many of them are using better gaming assets, better graphics, and better gaming delivery systems than ever before, too.
This means that the sky is the limit when it comes to RPG titles in adult entertainment, as long as you are willing to do a little bit of research and hunting to find titles worth checking out.
Stick to legitimate sources with great reviews and you’ll be good to go!