The Best Sims 4 Mods You Should Play in 2019
Want to dabble a bit in Sims 4 mods but don’t know where to begin? We can’t really blame you. The Sims 4 is a very popular game with a very active modding community that continues to create new content nearly five years after the game’s initial launch. The sheer number of mods available for the game is quite impressive so deciding which ones to try out is no easy task. But don’t worry because that’s why we’re here for.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the best mods you should consider downloading for your next playthrough of The Sims 4. Now, some of them don’t actually require that you start a new game but it’s usually still a good idea to do so. Particularly if you already have other mods installed. At the very least you should consider backing up your saves just to be on the safe side. With that out of the way, let’s begin.
#1. Old French Village

Image: modthesims.info
If you want to add a bit of old-fashioned French charm to your game this mod will definitely be right up your alley. Old French Village does exactly what it says on the tin and adds a French-themed village to the game. The village if fairly big and can only be added in Brindleton Bay or Windernburg. Due to this limited choice of location, you’ll need to have the Cats & Dogs or Get Together expansions installed before you can add the village to your game.
#2. Go to School

Image: zerbu.tumblr
Worried your little Sims might be skipping school to pursue other activates? That’s probably not the case but you can make sure of it with the Go to School mod. This mod allows you to follow your kids to school and see what they’re doing along the way. Even more importantly, though, it also allows you to attend classes yourself and pass the knowledge you accumulate to other Sims. The mod is based on getting to Work so make sure you have the expansion before installing this mod.
#3. Get to College V3

Image: modthesims.info
If you enjoy going to school in The Sims you’ll probably want to take your virtual education to the next level at some point. When that day comes, we recommend grabbing the Get to College V3 mod. This is the third version of a very popular mod that basically picks up where Go to School left off. The mod is quite in-depth and features three majors to choose from – Music, Fine Arts, and Physical Education. Similar to our previous entry, this mod requires the Get to Work expansion.
#4. Height Slider

Image: simscommunity
This is one of the best mod on this list for those looking to add a bit of extra realism to their game. People come in all shapes and sizes in the real world but in the world of The Sims, there’s much less variety. Well, not anymore. With this mod, you can freely adjust the height of your Sims to make them as tall or as short as you want. Within reason of course. There are actually several mods that add this feature but we think the one linked below is the best of the bunch.
#5. Have Some Personality Please!

Image: modthesims.info
Few things are as annoying as going to a party only to discover that no one has anything interesting to say. There are lots of things you can do to spice up a party in real life but The Sims 4 is a bit more limited in that regard. Well, with this mod you can say goodbye to idle chit-chat and add some meaningful conversions into your game. The mod introduces many changes to how Sims interact with each other, many of which are more interesting than you might expect.
#6. Meaningful Stories

Image: roburky.itch
Interesting conversations are a step in the right direction but sometimes you want more than that. Meaningful Stories is similar in a way to our previous pick but adds even more depth to how Sims interact with each other. Meaningful Stories is a mod pack that combines a variety of popular mods in order to provide an overhaul to The Sims 4’s mood and emotions system. These include True Happiness, Emotional Inertia, and more.
#7. Custom Food Interactions

Image: modthesims.info
Custom Food Interactions makes things a bit more interesting at the dinner table by adding new ways for Sims to interact with food and cooking equipment. In addition to providing new interactions, the mod also serves as a framework that modders can use to create new recopies. If you’re not a modder yourself, simply head on over here to find a list of delicious dishes that can be added to your game once Custom Food Interactions has been installed.
#8. Daily Save

Image: modthesims.info
Daily Save is one of the simplest and most useful mods on this list. What this mod does is create an autosave every time a new day passes in-game. The mod saves your game at 5 AM each day but can be customized to save it at a different time. Although this mod won’t change your game in any major way, the convenience it offers is definitely not to be overlooked.
#9. Life’s Drama

Image: sacrificialmods
Everybody likes a bit of drama every now and again, particularly when it happens to someone else. With this mod installed, you are introduced to a range of new dramatic scenarios that can affect pretty much any NPC in your town. Couples arguing in the streets, brides running away from their own weddings, and thieves picking pockets in broad daylight are just a few examples. You can intervene in these scenarios if you’re feeling kindhearted or just grab some popcorn and watch from afar as the drama unfolds.
#10. BuildBuyMode Unlocker

Image: modthesims.info
The Sims 4 features an in-depth progression system that requires you to achieve certain goals before you can unlock all items and room layouts in the Build/Buy mode. Although that is a nice feature to have, going through all the motions can get tedious at times, particularly if you’re already on your third or fourth playthrough. Luckily, you can skip the grind with this mod and unlock everything whenever you want.
#11. Add New Traits

Image: modthesims.info
There are several mods out there that attempt to make the game more like its much-beloved predecessor. Add New Traits is one of them and does exactly what you might expect. The number of available traits was cut in half since the previous game, a change that hasn’t been taken kindly by many fans. With this mod, you can go back to six traits and get more out of your Sims. The mod also increases the number of traits available for pets and features some nice customization options to play with.
#12. Private Practice
Private Practice is a massive mod that attempts to greatly enhance The Sims 4’s healthcare system. Players can expect more options for plastic surgery, the introduction of health insurance, dentistry, optometry, employee benefits, and so much more. The mod also adds new diseases and makes the whole healthcare aspect overall more interesting. Private Practice is still a work-in-progress but the mod is shaping up nicely and definitely playable even in its current form.
#13. Build Your Own Houseboat

Image: modthesims.info
The addition of boats to The Sims 4 is a nice touch. Too bad they’re little more than mere decorations, huh? Well, not necessarily. This mod allows players to transform boats into their very own floating abodes complete with furniture and other utilities you would expect from a regular home. The space is quite limited so you won’t be able to go too crazy with the decorations. However, what the houseboat lacks in space it definitely makes up for in style.
#14. SupeSpeed Mod
This is another one of those utilitarian Sims 4 mods that can make certain things a lot more convenient. As you probably already know, The Sims 4 features a super speed mode that activates automatically at certain points during the game. For example, when all of your Sims have left the house or when they’re sleeping. This feature has been added so you won’t have to wait around too long when there’s nothing interesting happening. What SupeSpeeed (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) does is basically give you full control over this mode so you can use it whenever you want.
#15. Ownable Cars

Image: modthesims.info
Drivable vehicles are another feature that was present in The Sims 3 but sadly didn’t make it into The Sims 4. Luckily, you can add it yourself with this mod. Ownable Cars allows your Sims to purchase cars and drive them around the neighborhood at their leisure. There are five different vehicles to choose from. In order from cheapest to the most expensive, these cars are the Smoogo Minima, Smord P328, Tofunda Wagon, Vorn Stallion, and Bwan Speedster YL.
#16. Default Easel Paintings Replaced

Image: modthesims.info
Watching your artist Sims paint their pretty pictures can be a fun little experience. But if you look for too long you’ll soon notice that the paintings start repeating themselves because there’s not a whole lot of variety in the vanilla game. If that’s something that bothers you, we wholeheartedly recommend grabbing this mod. Replaceable Paintings increase the variety of pictures your Sims can produce by adding a lot of images from all sorts of popular movies and video games. In addition, the mod creators even included instructions on how to add your own images for your Sims to paint.
#17. “Eternal Youth” and “Immortal” Buyable Traits

Image: modthesims.info
Aging and dying are both parts of the natural cycle of life and an important part of The Sims 4’s gameplay. Although the game does allow you to turn off these processes, doing so will affect all the Sims in the game. That’s not exactly ideal. Every once in a while you may want only one of your Sims to remain forever young or maybe even make them immortal. There’s no reliable way of doing so in the vanilla game but you can do it with this mod. The mod adds two new traits called Eternal Youth and Immortal, which you can choose to assign to specific Sims. In exchange for a small fee of course. Immortality doesn’t come for free after all.
#18. Less ‘Musical Chairs’

Image: modthesims.info
It’s nice that Sims like to interact with each other while sitting at a table but sometimes it’s just too much. Sometimes you just want your Sims to stay put or discretely engage in conversation with others. This mod makes that more likely to happen and also disables group conversations around the dinner table, which can sometimes get out of hand. Grabbing this mod is a bit more challenging than others on this list because the download links are outdated. However, if you scroll to the mod page’s comments section you will eventually come across valid download links posted by players. It’s a bit of a hassle so I guess this one is only worth getting if you really dislike the sitting habits in the vanilla game.
#19. MC Command Center

Image: simscommunity
This mod is great at letting you play god in a way that’s more subtle than straight-up using cheats. MC Command Center lets you tweak pretty much everything related to the Sims living in your neighborhood. This includes everything ranging from setting employment rates to deciding how long your favorite Sim should stay in the shower. The mod is quite huge and has a lot of different components so make sure to read the documentation before you install it.
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Final Thought
The Sims 4 is a pretty good game even though it might not quite live up to the reputation established by its predecessors. Throw in a few mods in there, however, and you can make the game a whole lot better. In this article, we covered many of the most popular Sims 4 mods out there but there are plenty more where these came from. If you’re looking for even more great mods, you’ll sure to find them on sites like ModTheSims where new ones are being added pretty much on a daily basis.