Indie Game Magazine is the original source for news, previews, reviews, and exclusive features showcasing the independent video game community.
Our staff is dedicated to shining a spotlight on the noteworthy games and studios that don’t get the coverage they deserve anywhere else.
From in-depth interviews to first-look previews, you can count on Indie Game Magazine to deliver an entertaining look at the latest and greatest independent games.
We launched our Forum in 2014 and it quickly became the number one place to discuss Indie Game Reviews, Trailers, Game Play and Development.
We closed the forum in 2018. We want to Thank all of the community who contributed while the Forum was active.
Fear not because there is still have tons of new independent game creator content on the site for you to consume.
You may be interested in indie game news or if it tickles your fancy, we also review free porn games and best hentai games. Those are adults-only and NSFW though so you must be 18 years old to view.