Cipher Prime’s Auditorium Duet Conquered Kickstarter, Now On Its Way to You
Cipher Prime, the development studio behind Auditorium, Pulse, and the award-winning Splice, is bringing a new Auditorium experience to players with Auditorium Duet. The game combines the original premise of a single player using draggable on-screen tools to direct the flow of colored streams to specified targets to create music, now with multiplayer cooperation. With the popularity and success of its predecessors, let’s hope Duet is worth the wait. The Kickstarter campaign was funded in March of 2012, and from the looks of it, production is coming along nicely:
Official screenshot from Duet.
Duet was recently submitted by Cipher Prime to IndieCade and Boston Fig, and it will be available to view (and play!) during the Media Indie Exchange at SIGGRAPH in Vancouver. They hope to release Duet as a playable Alpha on Steam Early Access, though no date for release has been confirmed as of yet. Cipher Prime updates their Kickstarter page with impressive regularity, so hopefully we’ll hear more about it, soon – the most we have right now is, “…as soon as we can.”
Players will be able to interact with the game in single-player mode, with multiplayer as an option. It is not yet known whether it is local co-op only, or if online multiplayer is in the works.
For more information about Cipher Prime and Duet, have a gander at their website, or follow them on Twitter.
Are you looking forward to Auditorium Duet? Let us know in the comments section!