
Ice-Bound Preview – Books into Books

Ice-Bound is a mind-bogglingly complex and convoluted narrative. Those who have played Blue Lacuna (also from one of the same writers, Aaron Reed) might recognize a similarly enormous amount of narrative choices in Ice-Bound. To understand how huge ...

‘Theocalypse’ – A Tale Of Ancient Mythologies Modernized

“When the gods of religions and days passed return to our modern world, humanity must fight for its survival and future.”   Gamers are all too familiar with the tropes of the apocalypse: zombies overrunning humanity, monsters from other ...

A Princess to Save Me Comes to Kickstarter

With the trope of the manic pixie dream girl seeming to be constantly present in video games, movies, and television, it becomes hard to find a game where a non-sexualized female gets to take on the leading role. Drunk Dragon Games creates games ...

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