Lunar Workshop Protest SOPA By Inviting Everyone To Pirate ‘DigiTanks’

Lunar Workshops have decided to encourage people to pirate their game DigiTanks in what is probably the most outlandish effort to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) today.


It probably seems totally bizarre to the unaware that a developer would protest against piracy and to go a step further and encourage it for their own game. It comes with a strong and well-meaning message though, in an attempt to raise awareness of SOPA and the effect it could have on indie game developers.


“If this legislation passes then I won’t be able to make a living on the internet, so you may as well pirate my games,” it reads in the blog post detailing the nature of the protest.


The man behind Lunar Workshop, Jorge Rodriguez, joins many others today who are protesting SOPA and PIPA – two acts that, if passed, will affect the whole of the internet and its users. Many indie game developers are participating in the Stop SOPA Game Jam today which is now a Ludum Dare officiated event. We encourage you to read up on the two acts and how they could affect you right here and make sure to spread the word.


“I’m not asking you to buy the game if you like it. Hell I’m not even asking you to play it. Just download it, and pass the word on to your friends,” continues Rodriguez’s blog post. “There is no DRM on the original version of DigiTanks, so this is really just the install files from the game, same as you would get if you bought it.”


To download and consequently (gulp) “pirate” DigiTanks as the developer demands, simply click this link.


“I am inviting all creators of indie games to join me today. Offer your games free for today,” suggests Rodriguez. “It’s a good way to gain attention to the cause of keeping the internet a good place. If we all do it, people will take notice.”


Will you be encouraging internet users to pirate your game as Rodriguez promotes as part of the anti-SOPA protests? How else are you spreading the word about SOPA and PIPA? Let us know in the comments section below.


You can read the whole blog post from Lunar Workshops here, more information on DigiTanks can be found on the official website.

Valuing gameplay and innovation over everything, Chris has a keen eye for the most obscure titles unknown to man and gets a buzz from finding fantastic games that are not getting enough love. Chris Priestman, Editor-in-Chief of IGM

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